sexta-feira, 27 de março de 2009

UMBU: Vamos aprender a aproveitar essa riqueza do sertão

Oficina de processamento na comunidade de Barriguda dos Limas, município de Umburanas.

Processing course in Barriguda dos Limas Community, municipality of Umburanas.

UMBU: Let’s learn how to benefit from this richness of the “sertão”

We are processing umbu and we are using this equipment called pulp extractor. It extracts the pulp from the fruit much quicker and better (than we did before, without it). With this pulp, we do many sub-products. We produce juice or even the “umbuzada”, a mix of umbu pulp, milk and honey (or sugar).
Umbu is a native fruit from our region. We are privileged of having it here.
The idea is to benefit from its abundance in our region and add value to it.
UMBU – rich in Vitamin C, Iron, Calcium, Proteins, Phosphorus, Vitamin A and Vitamin B1.

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