sábado, 8 de agosto de 2009

Impactos dos agrotóxicos nas lavouras do sertão

O agricultor Osmar Ramos de Souza testemunha os impactos negativos no plantio de feijão provocados pelo uso intensivo de agrotóxicos nas lavouras de tomate da região de Cafarnaum, no centro-norte da Bahia.

Impacts of pesticides on the crops

The farmer Osmar Ramos de Souza testifies about the negative impacts on beans crops caused by intensive use of pesticides in tomato crops in the region of Cafarnaum, Bahia, Brazil.

Translation of the video
Title: Impacts of pesticides in the countryside crops: Osmar Ramos’ statement – Cafarnaum, July 2009.
Good morning! My name is Osmar. I’m a farmer and I practice policulture. I live in a community called Lapa Cercada, in the municipality of Cafarnaum, but I work in a community called Barauna. We have been noticing the difficulties in this region. After the tomato crops started, in the rainy season, when the rain “prepares” itself, it prepares in the North and West. The wind shows when the rain will come. The wind blows from there and the pesticide odor accompanies it. When we plant beans here, the plague spreads out. In the past, two good rains we had beans for all year long. But nowadays, the changes that have been happening… the tomato and other “irrigation”… when the rain forms and the wind blows, the pesticide odor comes with it. I have planted beans some times and when we notice, the pesticide is all over and there is no chance to save the crop. Only God knows the way we can live in this Northeast!

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