terça-feira, 11 de agosto de 2009

O sisal

O Sisal no Campo do Sr. Airo Souza Gois
Lagadiço de Cafarnaum - BA.

The Agave
Agave in the property of Mr. Airo Souza Gois
Lagadiço Community - Cafarnaum - Bahia - Brazil

Translation of the video
My name is Airo Souza Gois, I am a policulture farmer, I live in the municipality of Cafarnaum. I was born and raised in Cafarnaum. I have been a policulture farmer since 5 years ago. Here is my property, where the agave is planted. This agave is about 2 years old. This agave is for sandy soil. It grows in any soil, but in sandy soil it develops much better. The agave is also good for animals such as cows and also for bees in our region. It is very useful in the semi-arid. It can also be used to cover the soil. This is a sustainable way we have nowadays. Here, between rows we plant 2,20 meters and between plants, about 1 meter. This agave is not very beautiful because this year, it rained very little here. When it rains about 400 millimeters in a year, the agave becomes very beautiful. Next year, we will probably cut (harvest) part of it to extract the fibers and sell.

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